Aj.Kame’s online Japanese courses
“Japanese is a lot of fun! Now I will try hard to be a good speaker.”
Why don’t you have a fun time learning Japanese with Aj. Kame? 亀 先生と楽しく日本語を勉強しませんか?
株式会社RINXs のオンライン講座(こうざ)「RINXs Online」に以上(いじょう)の四つの日本語講座を開設(かいせつ)しました。「亀(かめ)さんコース(初級:for beginners)」、「うさぎさんコース(初級: elementary learners)」、「Dog コース(中級: intermediate learners)、「いるかコース(会話練習コース)」の4コースですが、「かめさんコース」は日本語の勉強(べんきょう)をしたことがないので、ひらがなもカタカナも読(よ)めない人のためのコースです。「ウサギさんコース」はひらがなとカタカナの読(よ)み書(か)きができる人のベイシックコースです。これからは、希望(きぼう)があれば、上級(じょうきゅう: advanced level)・ビジネスなどよりレベルの高(たか)い講座も作(つく)る予定(よてい)です。時間(じかん)があるときにオンラインで日本語を勉強してみたいと考えている方は、次のリンクをクリックしてチェックしてみてください。
I have set up Online Japanese Courses on “RINXs Online” provided by RINXs Co., Ltd. I have prepared four Courses: “Kame-san Course(for beginners)”, “Usagi-san Course(elementary learners)”, “Dog Course(intermediate learners)”, and “Iruka Course(focused on conversation drills)”. “Kame-san Course ” is for “true beginners who cannot read Hiragana and Katakana letters“. “Usagi-san Course is for “those who can read and write these letters“. Later I am planning to set up “advanced/business” If you take interest in or are thinking of learning Japanese online when you have time, just check them by clicking on https://www.rinxsonline.com/
※※※ My courses are now mentioned on the first page of RINXs Online as list of new courses. So you can reach them just by clicking it. ※ This is the latest notice as of 25th of Oct. 2023.
If you take interest, I hope you will return to the first page of “RINXs Online“.
On the home page of you can “Sign up for free” on the top right command. Then click it.
Registration is quite simple. You can do it in a minute. You can get 500 points. If you introduce your friend or someone else, you can get another 500 points. For further information on the activities for members, I advise you to search interesting topics on this site.
My page will not be opened to the public until the end of this month because I am a new instructor. I will let you know on this page the moment it has become available for everyone.
You can check my courses by clicking: “List of Lectures”
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