New Homelike Place for Lovers of Japan
Bulletin Board (掲示板:けいじばん)

Bulletin Board (掲示板:けいじばん)

Let’s enjoy chatting, discussing, and questioning & learning  
            from one another on
 the bulletin board.


This is the most valuable tool to realize the objects of this forum; to deepen your understanding of Japan & its culture, enhance your Japanese language competence, and, as a result, make it possible for you to have a more enjoyable and fruitful life here in Japan.                                               掲示板はこのフォーラムの目的を達成するための最も貴重なツールです。皆さんの日本とその文化の理解を深め、日本語能力を高めみなさんのここ日本での生活をより楽しく実り多いものにするためのツールです。

亀 先生からのお知らせです!!

あなたの質問(しつもん:questions)悩み・問題(なやみ:worries・もんだい:problems)があれば、いつでも遠慮(えんりょ)なく書いてくださいFeel free to write it any time.)。

Click on this URL:

Then, put “ajkame” for ID, and “apiloversofjp” for アクセスキー(access key). Click on ログイン(Log In).


Here appears the first thread I have set up. The topic is “No.1 当フォーラムへようこそ!Welcome to this forum! In this first thread I would like you to make a brief introduction of yourself, and then feel free to write your question(s) or problem(s), if any.

※ Continues to Information on Online Japanese Courses of Aj. Kame!! 亀先生のオンライン日本語講座のご案内に続(つづ)く!!

Or back to “What’s this forum for?”